Monday, January 3, 2011

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk, Bitches: Alienating my Twitter Followers with Stoogisms.

I woke up on New Years Day to the miraculous discovery that American Movie Classics was playing an all-day, all-night marathon of The Three Stooges. 

I thought it would be funny to live-tweet about it while I was watching it... when I tuned in, they were showing a Curly episode. My initial plan was to tweet about the Stooges until they showed a Shemp episode, at which point I would turn the TV off & do something worthwhile with myself.

As it turns out, AMC played 21 straight hours of Shemp-Free Stooges.

So I wound up sitting in front of the TV for the better part of a 21 and a 1/2 hour stretch of time, from 11 AM to 8:30 AM the next day, posting tweets about what I was watching, with the exception of the hour I left the crib to have a fancy dinner, and the 3 hours where I seem to have blacked out around 4 or 5 in the morning.

Most people thought it was stupid & that I'm a loser.
A lot of people unfollowed, muted, & blocked me.
Some people thought it was very funny, and I'm one of them.

In case you missed it, I took screenshots of the whole thing.
If you give a shit about continuity, start from the bottom, and scroll UP.

Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo, Ya Knuckleheads!


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