Monday, June 11, 2012

PoopCup-O-Rama: Where to get it & How to install it.

The long-awaited game "PoopCup-O-Rama" has finally been released for 
In the game, you play as a Hand holding a cup.
The object of the game? Catch cups in your cup.
But don't catch the neon keychain, or it's GAME OVER, you dense mofucka!

This game is not approved by Apple, and it will not be approved by Apple, so it will not be appearing in the App Store. 
Until I figure out how to package it for Cydia, it will be a pain in the ass to install this game. 
But it's possible, and I'll tell you how to do it.

The above link will take you to a sendspace page where you can download the game to your computer. Save it to your Desktop for now.

From here you have 2 options:

Option 1: Sync Through iTunes 
Make sure you have APPSYNC installed on your phone.
If you have Installous, you already have AppSync.
If you don't have AppSync, simply go into Cydia and click Manage>Sources>Edit>Add
Then type

Click Enter, Then click "Add Anyway" when Cydia reprimands you about piracy and moral introspection (you won't get in trouble- we're not doing anything wrong here).

Go back into Manage>Sources>Hackulous and install Appsync.
This package allows unsigned (and cracked) applications to sync to your phone through itunes.

Now that you have AppSync, open iTunes and drag the POOPCUP.ipa file from your desktop into your iTunes window. It should then appear in the Apps section like any other app.
Sync it to your phone & catch some cups.

Don't let all those syllables frighten you- this is a free and easy to use piece of software that will let you quickly install POOPCUP-O-RAMA without the need to sync through iTunes or add extra tweaks from Cydia.

Once you install iPhone Configuration Utility, open it and click where it says "Applications" in the left-hand column.
Drag the POOPCUP.ipa file from your desktop into that "Applications" window.
Then click your device name in the left-hand column.
Look through the list of apps- you should see one called "CupCatcher".
Click the button next to it that says install.
Wait for it to install.
Go catch some cups!

If you're down with Sin & you're down with cups, and you want to fill your phone with Sin & Cups & SinCups, check out the Winterboard Theme "Sinterboard HD" as well as "SBSettings Add-on for Sinterboard", both available for free on ModMyi repository in Cydia.

You will need to be jailbroken, of course.

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