Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Free Download: fOREVERMAN & TAMPAWICKED LIVE 9/11/11

This is a bootleg audience recording from Tammany Hall on 9/11/11. 
It's a one-hour long mp3. 
The first half is Yours Truly, the second half is my homie J-10 of TAMPA WICKED. 
Sound quality is kinda sketchy- I'd rate it a Bminus- a little overmodulated when the bass hits, but the vocals are pretty crisp, and it's the only record of this performance that I know of. 
I decided to share it with you fucks. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free Download: Bootleg Quality Improv Jam: fOREVERMAN & THE MISTAKE


So, last night I went out to this Open Mic on Long Island.
Full backline at this place- guitar, bass, drums... as well as musicians willing to play those instruments.
We put together a rag-tag, on-the-spot band called "The Mistake", & signed up to perform.
All the music was completely improvised, none of the musicians have played together before.
There are no pre-recorded instrumentals or back-up vocals.
It was a Sink or Swim situation... and I feel like we Floated, for the most part.
Some dude in the back of the room recorded it on his phone & emailed it to me this morning.
The quality is probably around a C-, but the performance itself was quite interesting- though not without its rough patches & a few false starts.
If you want to check it out:


Friday, August 26, 2011

I heckled so many idiots, I lost my voice.

At the Gathering Of The Juggalos 2011:

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hey guys!
Sorry I've been slacking on the ol' blog... 
Been working on some new shit, performing, trolling, dicking around... 
kinda got sidetracked for a minute.... 
Anywho- I've been fucking around with real musicians that can actually play instruments... 
Here's a little clip from our set last night...
We decided to rock out on an old Esham jam- 
fucking classic...
The audio was captured. I have obtained it. 
It's freely downloadable, but keep in mind, it's BOOTLEG QUALITY. 
Fuck your eardrums. 

or copy & paste this URL:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Download MP3 of EPIC Friday The 13th Jam Session Right Here


Bootleg Recording of the Jam Session that unfolded last night at Fadeley's FRIDAY THE 13TH ZOMBIE JAM.

This clip features vocals by Sargon, fOREVERMAN, & KJ, in that order.

Drums & Guitar provided by Mikey & Bobby of IMPACT HAZARD, respectively.

Bass by this dude Steve with a bucket on his head.

Background Vocals provided by some retarded drunk bitch that sounded like shit & almost got her ass kicked for spraying motherfuckers with a water gun full of kool-aid.

And I think some dude had a calliope?

Good times... This is what making music is all about.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fun With The Christian Coalition.

Firstly, I would like to point out that I *don't condone this type of destructive & ignorant behavior, I had nothing to do with this alleged raid in any fashion, nor do I know who started it, or where it originated.

Secondly, I would like to share the HiJinx with anyone that missed the fun.

Last Night Around 1:00 AM, the "Frequently Asked Questions" page of the Christian Coalitions Official Website was apparently hacked. I spent my night refreshing the page & giggling like a faggot at all the horrible shit that got posted there. The page has since been fixed, but luckily for you I screencapped it before I passed out.

This is a link to how the page looks usually:

And this is what the "Frequently Asked Questions" page on the Christian Coalition's Official We/b/site looked like on 5/12/11 at 4:30 AM E.S.T.

For the high-quality version, click the picture below, or this link:

You're Welcome!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you guys like optical illusions?

80085 or :) ?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Puginas! (Cuntkins?)

I love that the one on the right has sideburns.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If I was a graph, this would be my equation.

Sorry if you thought that was some kind of innuendo.
You fucking nerd.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Facsimile Of My Underwear Part 2

This is what my Simpsons boxers would look like if I faxed them over to you.

If I could Fax you my underwear...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk, Bitches: Alienating my Twitter Followers with Stoogisms.

I woke up on New Years Day to the miraculous discovery that American Movie Classics was playing an all-day, all-night marathon of The Three Stooges. 

I thought it would be funny to live-tweet about it while I was watching it... when I tuned in, they were showing a Curly episode. My initial plan was to tweet about the Stooges until they showed a Shemp episode, at which point I would turn the TV off & do something worthwhile with myself.

As it turns out, AMC played 21 straight hours of Shemp-Free Stooges.

So I wound up sitting in front of the TV for the better part of a 21 and a 1/2 hour stretch of time, from 11 AM to 8:30 AM the next day, posting tweets about what I was watching, with the exception of the hour I left the crib to have a fancy dinner, and the 3 hours where I seem to have blacked out around 4 or 5 in the morning.

Most people thought it was stupid & that I'm a loser.
A lot of people unfollowed, muted, & blocked me.
Some people thought it was very funny, and I'm one of them.

In case you missed it, I took screenshots of the whole thing.
If you give a shit about continuity, start from the bottom, and scroll UP.

Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo, Ya Knuckleheads!
